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Tungsten carbide plates

Carbide plates for profile cutter

Carbide plates for profile cutter Carbide plates for profile cutter Carbide plates for profile cutter

Carbide plates for profile cutter

1, Length: 10.0-500mm, Width: 10.0-500 mm
2, High: 1.0-100.0 mm
3, Surface: Sintering surface, Ground surface
4, Composition: WC+Co, WC+TiC+TaC+Co
5, Can be designed according to customer's requirements.

Tungsten carbide plates are used for cutting metals, woods and other materials. The advantages of our carbide plates are smooth cutting, fast cutting speed and have a long service time. Unlimited ranges of grades and sizes of carbide plates are available in our company.

Grade, properties and recommended applications for Carbide plates for profile cutter

Grade Density(g/cm3) hardness(HRA) T.R.S(N/mm2) Application
YG6A 14.89 91.5 2350  
YG6X 14.93 91.0 2480
YS2T 14.45 91.5 2380  

The specifications and tolerance of tungsten carbide plate

Specification(mm) Tolerance (mm)
Blank Coiningcompact
High Width Lengh
(1.0-70)x100x100 +0.5 -/+2.2 -/+2.2 -/+0.01
(1.0-70)x105x105 +0.5 -/+2.2 -/+2.2 -/+0.01
(5.0-70)x150x150 +0.5 -/+2.2 -/+2.2 -/+0.01
(5.0-70)x200x200 +0.5 -/+2.2 -/+2.2 -/+0.01

Note:Other grades and specifications can be designed according to customer's requirements.

Related Links

Tungsten Carbide Rod
Material Safety Data Sheet of Tungsten Carbide
Material Safety Data Sheet of Tungsten Carbide (PDF)
Catalog of Tungsten Carbide Plates (PDF)

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