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Volfram bollen

Sintrad kiselkarbid bollen

Sintrad kiselkarbid bollen Sintrad kiselkarbid bollen Sintrad kiselkarbid bollen


ISO K10 and K20 are most common

Material Composition

Typical Material composition is

  • 6% Cobalt
  • 94% Tungsten Carbide

But other compositions are available with Cobalt content up to 25%. Hardness reduces and toughness increases with increasing cobalt content.


1500 to 1600 HV

Corrosion Resistance

Cobalt binder material is reasonably resistant to corrosion. The Cobalt binder will corrode in contact with water, but the effect is largely cosmetic in that the balls loose their polished appearance, with little effect on performance. De-ionised water does pose a more severe problem, as it can tend to promote 'leeching' of Cobalt from the binder. Erosion of the binder can be a problem when in contact with abrasive particles as may occur in some valve and pump applications.

Special Properties

Hardness if retained to approx. 800 degrees Celsius. Balls can be brazes to steel stems to allow mounting, or hole may be produced by spark erosion.


Balls are made in a wide range of sizes from 0.4mm to 100mm and can be made in larger sizes.


Valves, Pumps, Ball Screws, Measurement Standards, Gauging, Wear Parts.

General Information

Cobalt Binder Tungsten Carbide is in many ways an ideal material for ball production. Its hardness and stiffness allows the production of extremely accurate balls, with very fine control of final size. The material is extremely stable and these properties make Tungsten Carbide Balls and ideal choice for reference standards in metrology. Equally, the same properties make the balls and ideal choice for all applications where wear rates need to be low.

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